Saturday, August 30, 2008


[ed. note: i wrote this on 5.24.08 but was delaying the posting of it till i could finish transcribing the Nina Simone song. when do i have the time? hence, its over three months later and it's still missing a section, but it's almost complete.]

i know, very few posts since i gave birth. what can i say? the demands of motherhood is not an old wives' tale. i thought i couldn't handle being on call with a career as a midwife. and yet, here i am on 24/7 (and believe me, in the beginning it was 24 hours everyday with very little time for my own basic human functions) at the whim of a wee babe and no substitution possible. or so i thought.

male lactation is physically possible, just not socially acceptable.

i knew this curious biological fact. even made light of it in the baby registry. but it is true. just read this. it's my belief if more men nursed their children, their would less violence, less wars.

there is no oxygen in the air
men and women have lost their hair
ash and faces, legs that stand
ghosts and goblins walk in this land
when tomorrow becomes yesterday
and tomorrow becomes eternity
when the soul, when the soul goes way beyond what life has taken
and there are no more babies born
when there is no one and there is everyone
when there is no one and there is everyone

tomorrow will be the 22nd century
tomorrow will be the 22nd century
tomorrow will be the 22nd century

will it will it will it it will be
it will be
it will be---.

the 21st century was here and gone
and the 20th century was the dawn
and the beginning of the end was the 21st when the 20th century was at an end
1990 was the year when the plague struck the earth
1988 was the year when men and women struck out for freedom

and bloodletting was the thing that was
people said there was no cause and there was no reason and no cause
1972 was right all the way drums and buildings all through the day blastin
right wing left wing
middle of the road...
sidewinder back swinger back lash whiplash

race stalkings red stockings
liberation of women liberation of men

liberation of animals, prevention of cruelty to animals, men and beast
flyin, and i'm flyin, flyin things
revolution of music, poetry, love and life
sex changing changin changin
man is woman woman is man
even your brain is not your brain
your heart is a plastic thing that can be bought
there are no more diseases that can be caught

man became the thing that he worshipped
man too late became his god that was the day

that man and woman truly became born

man became his good man became his evil man became his god man became his devil

tomorrow will be the 22nd century

tomorrow will be the 22nd century
tomorrow will be the 22nd century

it will be
it will be
it will be---.

written by Obeah Man, sung by Nina Simone

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