Tuesday, November 4, 2008


i can't hardly believe it!

my coworker and i (and VL) were just giving a community needs assessment survey design training for seven black and brown youth leaders who are building a center for the young people of West Oakland. the dream they dare to dream is built on hope and the determination to make change, to stop the violence, to unite young people, and envision a positive future. the news came via text message midway thru the training and electrified us with possibility. what blessed company to be in when history was made.

i just read this:
"Rosa sat so Martin could walk. Martin walked so Barack could run. Barack is running so our children can fly."

as much as i believe in social change and social justice, i never thought it would happen in my lifetime. shame on me for giving into the culture of fear that dominates used to dominate american politics.

hot damn. i guess my breast pump was right. she called it back in april. voteforbarack-voteforbarack-voteforbarack (blackhope! blackhope! black hope!).

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